5th International Conference on Future Education

Global Leadership Challenges in Higher Education for
Effective Multilateralism & Sustainable Human Security

December 6 to 8, 2021 / Online

It’s time to think globally about the future of education.

Education is humanity’s most powerful instrument for conscious social evolution. The actions called for in the UN Secretary General’s new report Our Common Agenda can only be successful if implemented globally in a timely manner supported by radical advances in global higher education. Education is an essential catalyst for social transformation. A new paradigm in education is needed to accelerate global systems change founded on a multidimensional, multistakeholder approach at all levels. Building on insights from the UN-WAAS project on Global Leadership for the 21st Century, this conference will address the challenges and opportunities in higher education today to identify catalytic strategies to support strengthening of multilateralism, implementation of 17 SDGs, and Sustainable Human Security for All.

Conference Report

Dec 6-8, 2021

Conference Videos by Theme & Topic

Conference Videos by Session

Click on a session to view the video and more details

S1 Inaugural Session
2A Education to Meet the Challenges of the 21st Century
2B The Jena Declaration on Higher Education and Learning
S3 Innovating Delivery Systems for Global Higher Education
4A 21st Century Pedagogy
4B Equity Impact at Scale: Collaborations Moving the Levers of Access
S5 Keynotes on Human Security and a Culture of Peace
6A Education for Human Security
6B Values, Ethics & Social Impact in Education
7A Mind, Thinking and Creativity
7B Education for the Culture of Peace & SDGs as the New Paradigm to meet Global Challenges
8A Integration of Art and Science in Higher Education 
8B University Beyond the Walls
9A Education for Sustainability: Adapting to the Future
9B STEAM AND BEYOND: Reimagining Education and Learning for Co-evolving Living
10A  Education for Societal Transformation
10B Transformative Power of Education for Women’s Leadership
11A Educating Leaders for a Different Future
11B Paper Presentations
12A From Peace and Security to Human Development: Exploring the Nexus
12B STEAM Leadership: Integrating Values, Innovation, Creativity & Social Impact for Science & Technology Education
S13 Keynotes on Arts & Education
S14 Closing Session

Reports on earlier conferences